ISO 50001 is the international energy management standard that was published and represents the effort of over 50 countries from around the world to develop an international best practice to help organizations better manage energy.
ISO 50001 is a voluntary standard that controls energy management systems. It can help businesses to become more respectful of the environment and save money at the same time. This standard was designed to guide organizations in decreasing their environmental impact, conserving resources, and reducing expenses through efficient energy management.
EnMS is proving to be an effective strategy for governments and industries to cost-effectively reduce energy use. ISO 50001 is not only a global best practice model for comprehensive and strategic energy management, but also serves as a global benchmark for climate and clean energy action. Energy management systems based on ISO 50001 best practices, or ISO 50001 certification are often key elements of energy efficiency policies around the world for large energy users, as well as small to medium enterprises.
ISO 28000 Benefits
Energy reduction of up 10%
Reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon footprint
Globally recognised International Standard
Assist in compliance with current and future voluntary and/or mandatory energy efficiency targets
Improved corporate image and credibility
Increased energy awareness among staff members at all levels
Improved operational efficiencies and maintenance practices